The Gold Coast Chess Club Inc. (GCCC) is a not for profit organisation dedicated to providing a high a quality environment for chess. Your generous donations are what allow the club to continue growing and support the game that we all love to play.
Future Growth
Donations are used to fund a variety of club activities throughout the year and are vital in supporting the future growth of the GCCC. Donated funds go towards:
lecture and appearance fees for visiting Masters that attend our special events
purchasing new equipment
hall rental
special encouragement awards
and the other running costs of the club.

Do you feel like helping us out? We can always use more volunteers. From helping set up our club nights to joining the GCCC committee and managing a club portfolio our helpers make the GCCC the great club that it is. Reach out and talk to us at the next event or send us a message.
Volunteering Enquiry
Thank You Donors